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Age of Empires 4 - Norman Campaign Movie

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The Complete Cinematic Movie for the Norman Conquest of England Campaign from Age of Empires 4. Includes all Cinematics & Cutscenes from the Norman Campaign.

(0:00) Battle of Hastings - 1066
(2:59) Building A Castle
(6:01) North to York - 1069
(11:23) Mail Making
(14:16) The Fall of Bayeux - 1105
(17:00) The Battle of Tinchebray - 1106
(17:29) The Battle of Bremule - 1119
(18:00) Falconry & Hawking
(20:48) The Trebuchet
(23:44) Battle of Lincoln - 1141
(26:23) The Siege of Wallingford - 1153
(26:56) Siege of Dover - 1216
(29:41) Medieval Paint
(32:16) The Siege of Rochester - 1215
(32:51) The Second Battle of Lincoln - 1217
(35:15) Legacy of the Normans

#ageofempires #ageofempires4 #aoe4
League of Legends
age of empires 4, age of empires iv, age of empires
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