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Crate 65

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Crate 65 was a crate who's fate had been written. He was to be deleted, and mocked by his peers. Yet when other crates quietly accepted their fates, crate 65 demanded to be brought in-front of a crate court of law. They were going to kill him, until one man stood up to what he thought was right. Now, the crate walks a free man, changing his fate for himself.

Fate: When there are thirteen crates left. Take #65 and set it aside in one corner, and move all of the other crates into the opposite corner. Laugh at crate #65, then delete it to put it out of its misery. (suggested by )

Special thanks to the 12 angry men:

Lord Vader, Crate Hater.
Axel the Hero, Crate Dele-tearo
Piper, the Crate eating Viper
John, the Server Owner
MyIdeaOfFun, the crate hater-a-ton
Problem, crate lover
Im angry at crates, who was actually not that angry at crates.
Lyzak, i dont even know how to pronounce that.
Myideaoffun's friend, who's name escapes me.
Acid Jesus, me-amigus.
Problem's friend, who i also didnt know.
and finally sho-something, who promptly removed me from his friends list after this.

Also captain falcon, which ever one of those guys you were, for being excited from the get go.

thanks again!

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