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10 BROKEN Korean Builds YOU SHOULD ABUSE In Patch 12.3 - League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:20 Top
0:25 Akali
1:09 Viktor
2:07 Recap Top
2:15 Jungle
2:18 Diana
2:55 Rammus
3:50 Recap Jungle
3:55 Mid
4:01 Sylas
4:33 Irelia
5:08 Recap Mid
5:13 QotD
5:28 Bot
5:32 Zeri
6:07 Elise
6:53 Leona & Ivern
8:04 Recap Bot
8:09 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.3 Best support 12.3, best mid laners 12.3, best junglers 12.3, best top laners 12.3, patch 12.3 rundown, 12.3 lol, 12.3 changes, item buffs 12.3, preseason 12.3, chemtech drake 12.3, hextech drake 12.3, lillia buffs 12.3, quinn buffs 12.3, zeri nerfs 12.3, senna nerfs 12.3, caitlyn nerfs 12.3, amumu nerfs 12.3, corki nerfs 12.3, pyke nerfs 12.3, twisted fate nerfs 12.3, leblanc nerfs 12.3, glacial augment nerfs 12.3, ahri 12.3 changes, nami 12.3 changes, turbo chemtank 12.3 changes, sunderer 12.3 changes, goredrinker 12.3 changes, trinity force 12.3 changes, sterak’s gage 12.3 changes, death’s dance 12.3 changes, black cleaver 12.3 changes, ravenous hydra 12.3 changes, maw of malmortius 12.3 changes, hexdrinker 12.3 changes, hearthbound axe 12.3 changes, blade of the ruined king 12.3 changes,

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