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10 MOST OP Off-Meta CHAMPS and BUILDS for Patch 11.16! - Skill Capped

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10 MOST OP Off-Meta CHAMPS and BUILDS for Patch 11.16!
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0:00 Introduction
0:40 Goredrinker Tryndamere
1:40 Ignite Jax
2:28 Rumble Jungle
3:22 Nunu Mid Lane
4:25 Jarvan Mid Lane
5:16 Syndra Bot Lane
6:17 Lethality Jhin Build
7:13 Sivir Crit Build
8:06 Imperial Mandate Trundle
9:08 Umbral Glaive Pantheon Support
9:58 Skill Capped Outro
#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped
League of Legends
Off meta champs 11.16, off meta builds 11.16, op off meta champs 11.16
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