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7 Careless Caregivers Who Shouldn't Be Put in Charge of Kids, Probably

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Looking after kids isn't easy, but it is possible. Millions of people manage it every day. So why do these videogame caregivers struggle so much? Consider these designated guardians who think babysitting means sitting on a baby and subscribe for a weekly list from Outside Xbox: http://tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

If you're searching for excuses for these lacklustre child-looker-afters, you could point to their misbehaving kids, such as in Heavy Rain, or perhaps the fact there's a zombie apocalypse going on, as in Resident Evil 2 or Amy.

Really, though, these responsible adults are big enough and ugly enough that they should be able to take care of three and a half feet of youthful exuberance.


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