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8 DLCs That Were Ridiculous Fanservice and We Loved It

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Fanservice is when a thing is designed above all else to please fans. In games it is often delivered in packages of downloadable content, so the fan-pleasing weirdness is kept at arm’s length from the main game. Please enjoy these, our eight favourites, and subscribe for a video like this every Thursday!

Take for example Mass Effect 3’s Citadel DLC. We all need a vacation from time to time, and none more so than Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard, who works harder than the Normandy’s bedsprings.

To that end, Citadel is a deliciously cheesy wedge of story DLC in which your Shepard takes a welcome break from the rigours of saving the galaxy from that ancient force of cybernetic space squids, the Reapers.

To this day we can’t be sure Mass Effect 3’s Citadel wasn’t the result of a professional DLC writer bumping and a Mass Effect fan fiction writer mixing up their notes, so the fan fiction gets made into the most delightful four-hour DLC we’ve ever played, while our favourite fan fiction website publishes a pack of seven new weapons and two multiplayer maps. We’d still read it.


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