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Bronze Moments - Episode 17 (League of Legends)

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► Go download the Game of War app!! Just click this link: smarturl.it/qr4ilu

Have a bronze clip that should be on Realm? You should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short description of the clip if you would like to go above-and-beyond. You can submit your play to randomlolmoments@machinima.com

► Previous Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zY538kaN3c

- All featured replays by: DeviantImmortal

Music (in order):
“File” http://jinglepunks.com
“The New Thang” http://jinglepunks.com
“The Neighborhood Kid” http://jinglepunks.com
“Sampling Cuisine” http://jinglepunks.com
“Copper Top” http://jinglepunks.com

You can also follow Game of War's social media channels by clicking the links below:
YouTube: youtube.com/gameofwarfireage
Instagram: http://instagram.com/gameofwar
Facebook: facebook.com/gameofwar
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gameofwar
Tumblr: http://gameofwar.tumblr.com/
Vine: https://vine.co/gameofwar

► Director: http://www.youtube.com/DeviantImmortal

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► New to Realm? Subscribe! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
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► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please feel free to reach out to us and tweet @Shibby2142 your concern. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
League of Legends
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