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FNF Philly Mean: Vs Pico Horror REMAKE
"Freako" is the result of a parasite inside of Pico that fucks with his flesh and bones and takes over his mind, throughout the mod the parasite changed Picos body more and more causing him to look the way he does, I like to imagine the parasite is very similar to "The Visitor" from Newgrounds. as far as story goes it pretty much takes place during week 3 Pico mix but in a version of Philly in Limbo, Pico encounters Pico but almost immediately sees that it's a doppelganger and they do their thing. Between the first and second song the sky darkens to a deep red and Philly becomes dark and silent as pieces of the land start to jut out of the ground, it gets too dark to see but when the building lights turn on the area is illuminated, revealing "freako"s face. In the final song Freako takes you to his own pocket version of Philly that's been terrorized by a parasitic outbreak and lit ablaze as freakos skill starts falling off and his bones begin to elongate, at the end of the song after freako screams a spike shoots out of the ground and impales Pico, no matter if you beat it or not, it all ends the same.

This is a remake of an infamous mod called "Horror Night Funkin': Vs Pico" from early 2021 that was complete bad, now with 3 original songs, all new art, and some flashy visuals.
00:00 Preivew
00:18 Menu
00:26 Freako Song
02:06 Philly Mean Song
04:44 Devastation Song
08:00 Game Over
08:17 Outro
Philly Mean: Vs Pico REMAKE https://gamebanana.com/mods/558360
Key Authors
MadDoodlezArt - Director, Main Artist
JuneAnon - Co-Director, Main Musician, Charter, and Coder
not_Testing - Main Coder
BananzaMonke - Concept Artist/ Logo Artist
Ike27 - Charter
Special Thanks
TheBoredArtist - Fire Asset
jak3anim8s - Concept Artist
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