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HUGE World of Warcraft News - Boosting Communities Are Now BANNED?!

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So uhm, this is pretty insane..
In today's World of Warcraft News, Boosting Communities Are Now BANNED?! Blizzard recently put out a Bluepost Regarding Boosting Communities in World of Warcraft, stating that Boosting Communities in World of Warcraft are prohibited and is now a bannable offense, whether it is Boosting for Real Money, or Boosting for in-game Gold.
This is pretty Huge news for World of Warcraft as several Boosting Communities have surfaced lately, gaining a lot of population and selling a lot of boosts, and these Boosting Communities have also often been involved with RMT aswell.

► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for Classic WoW - Season of Mastery here: https://solheim.gumroad.com/l/GoldGuide
So far this guide is 93 Pages long, contains 38 different Goldfarms & 36 items to invest in to Make Gold, and I will keep updating it through Season of Mastery, and after purchasing it you will get the updates for FREE!
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► Get The Complete TBC Goldmaking Guide 50% off by using code "Solheim" - https://gumroad.com/a/806614131/aPfKu
This Goldmaking Guide by Studen is incredibly in-depth, already consists of 80+ pages of goldmaking & goldfarming information, and it will keep getting updated aswell! Once you buy the book, you also get the updates for free!
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Business inquiries: solheimtv@gmail.com

#worldofwarcraft #wownews #boosting
World of Warcraft
world of warcraft, wow boosting, boosting investigation
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