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League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 205

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~HyperX Cloud Headset : http://www.Kingston.com/us/hyperx/cloud?Player=Protatomonster
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*Skill Capped is an excellent resource to improve your game quickly no matter what elo you are. The site is filled with in-depth guide videos created by Diamond 1, Challenger, and ex-LCS pro players to help you master a specific champion or even to just improve your general gameplay.
~Main website - https://www.skill-capped.com/lol/
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~Twitter - https://twitter.com/skillcapped

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~Sign up for League @ http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4de9ac1e0f8d2343455063
~Submit: http://protatomonster.com/upload
~Website: http://www.Protatomonster.com/
~FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/Protatomonster
~Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Protatomonster
~Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Protatomonster

1- Djalil on Zed
2- Sanctusiak GG on Orianna
3- DatCut on Zyra
4- GFunk512 on Janna (FeserMode submitted the play)
5- therealkaptain on Draven
Bonus- Freshman on Ryze

~Please send your League of Legend Replays to http://www.protatomonster.com/upload for a chance to be in our video of the week in the future.

~Sign up for league of legends at http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4de9ac1e0f8d2343455063


Where can I submit a replay?
You can use our form on our website http://www.protatomonster.com/upload

Do I send in the whole replay?
Yes, send in the whole replay and we'll do the rest. If you're sending in a pre-recorded file, then just send us just the part you want us to look at.

It says a champions spell was on cooldown, yet they used it?
It's a common bug with LoL replay. It's caused by the fast forward feature. Cooldowns don't register that the time has been sped up, which is why you'll see many plays in our videos in which don't have correct cooldown timers.

What programs do you use to make your videos?
For the effects, we use Adobe After Effects and to composite everything together, we use Adobe Premiere.

How will I receive the $25/$10 worth of RP?
We'll send you a code for a Paysafe card worth the amount you won. You'll be able to redeem the money value via the League of Legends store as well as any other game that accepts Paysafe cards.
League of Legends
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