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Mafia 3: 5 Reasons We’re Excited For Mafia 3 (And 1 Reason We’re Worried) - E3 2016

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From E3 2016 we talk through the things that have us excited for 2K’s upcoming open-world organised crime simulator Mafia 3, including its unique setting and story, and the ways you manage your criminal empire. Subscribe to Outside Xbox for more Mafia and more from E3 2016: http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

Naturally, all the territory you’ll be taking over during the game needs managing, and that’s where your underbosses come in.

Each new area you take over needs to be assigned to one of your underbosses, and the game’s sitdown system lets you decide who will be in charge based on their vision for the area.

Be warned though, overlook one of your three underbosses too many times and they’re liable to turn on you, forcing you to take them out. Kill them, we mean, not out on the town, although I hear New Bordeaux is lovely this time of year.

Mafia 3 comes out on 7 October 2016 on Xbox One, PC, PS4 and OS X.


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