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Mass Effect Andromeda: 8 Things We're Happy to See in the Mass Effect Andromeda Trailer at E3 2016

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E3 2016 gave us new trailer for Mass Effect Andromeda, and though it was short it was also pretty sweet. Take a quick, closer look at eight Mass Effect things we were very happy to see in the Mass Effect Andromeda trailer and subscribe to Outside Xbox for more Mass Effect and more E3 2016, why not: http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

First things first, get an eyeful of your new ride in Mass Effect Andromeda in the video above. You'll be exploring the new galaxy in the Tempest.

Then take note of the Frostbite graphical magic, with weather effects, and upgraded animation, along with the exotic new alien beasties and familiar old alien races along for the ride, such as Krogans, Asari and Salarians.

There's an all-too-brief cameo from the souped-up Mako tank, and some tantalising story titbits to boot. It all makes us wish it were early 2017 and not E3 2016, because that's when Mass Effect Andromeda is set for release.


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