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NEW UPDATES 11.17 TIER LIST: META SHIFT! - League of Legends

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Learn how the new meta is evolving in our patch 11.17 tier list update!
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Tier List Description: In this guide you'll learn how the amumu buffs, ekko buffs, irelia nerfs and so on have changed the meta for all roles in our league of legends tier list by Skill-Capped. Enjoy!

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SkillCapped has one goal in mind: help you become a better League of Legends player. Stay up to date with League of Legends meta, and get the best guides and strategies you won't find anywhere else!

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00:00 - Introduction
00:39 - Top Lane Changes
02:03 - Top Lane Tier List
03:03 - Jungle Changes
05:21 - Jungle Tier List
05:50 - Mid Lane Changes
07:09 - Mid Lane Tier List
07:41 - ADC Changes
08:24 - ADC Tier List
09:11 - Support Changes
09:42 - Support Tier List
10:29 - Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped
League of Legends
lol tier list patch 11.17, tier list update, new tier list
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