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Paying For A Student's Textbooks

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Paying For A College Student's Textbooks :)
Giving A Homeless Man $3,000 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8mfIumbHuo&list=PL2uZhEhKQPWYeyAsRV9Rk3IvewORrZ18e&index=15
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Textbooks are not cheap, they cost a lot of money, in a quarter / semester student's can end up spending hundreds of dollars. So I wanted to help out a college student and pay for their textbook's and make this video! We filmed this on the second day of classes for the new semester (well we tried the first day, but didn't have any luck!). For anyone wondering why I have shorter hair in the intro clip than throughout the video, I got a haircut the day after filming and wanted to re-shoot the intro so...yeah :)

VLOG ► http://youtube.com/nevermind

2ND Channel ► http://youtube.com/whatever2ND

Thanks for all your support! Rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!

For permission to use this video or other media / business inquiries, email me here: brian [at] whatever [dot] com - I check it often.

Camera I use (1): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PG576OM/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00PG576OM&linkCode=as2&tag=7357w-20&linkId=7KK3AE4QPP77KPVJ
Camera I use (2): http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&fst=as%3Aoff&keywords=Sony%20Handycam&linkCode=ur2&qid=1416897948&rh=n%3A172282%2Cn%3A502394%2Cn%3A7161073011%2Cn%3A172421%2Ck%3ASony%20Handycam%2Cp_36%3A50000-99999999%2Cp_89%3ASony%2Cp_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A3494421011&tag=7357w-20&linkId=B4NTD7E5HTBQWR4T
Microphone I Use: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BL87C42/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00BL87C42&linkCode=as2&tag=7357w-20&linkId=LOGOWXDKKF2KQMOK
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