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Sorority Rush Prank

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► Fraternity Rush Prank:
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I thought it would be an interesting and entertaining social experiment to see how things would go if me (Brian) and a girl (Andrea) cross-dressed and tried to rush some sororities / fraternities, respectively. Thanks to those who were good sports about the whole thing, it was intended to be lighthearted. Be sure to watch the counter-point video featuring Andrea, where she cross-dresses and tries to rush fraternities:

Fraternities and sororities (from the Latin words frater and soror, meaning "brother" and "sister" respectively) are fraternal social organizations for undergraduate students. The term refers mainly to such organizations at colleges and universities in the United States, though fraternities and sororities do exist in other countries.

The process of joining a Greek letter organization varies from organization to organization. Organizations governed by the National Panhellenic Conference or the North-American Interfraternity Conference commonly begin their process with a formal recruitment period, often called "rush week," or formal recruitment, which usually consists of events and activities designed for members and potential members to learn about each other and the organization. At the end of the formal recruitment period, organizations give "bids", or invitations to membership. Most organizations have a period of "pledgeship" before extending full membership.

Filmed by: Scout Claassen

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