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► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for Classic WoW - Season of Mastery here:
So far this guide is 93 Pages long, contains 38 different Goldfarms & 36 items to invest in to Make Gold, and I will keep updating it through Season of Mastery, and after purchasing it you will get the updates for FREE!
Use Code "Solheim" for 50% off!
► Get The Leveling Guide for Season of Mastery, Classic WoW & TBC Classic from RestedXP!
This is a Leveling Guide Built on Quality by Speedrun World Record Holders in Classic WoW & TBC Classic and you can try the Addon FOR FREE Before deciding whether or not to buy it!
Today we are talking about the recent WoW Community Council Drama regarding a WoW Community Council Member called "Prosident", who was the most active WoW Community Council Member, contributing 20% of the total posts on the WoW Community Council Forums. Today I am reacting to the WoW Community Council Drama on Twitter, and I am also giving my own honest opinions on the entire WoW Community Council Project. Will the WoW Community Council project succeed, or is it designed to fail? Personally, I think Blizzard already has access to all the feedback they would ever need, they just choose to outright ignore it, blatantly ignoring feedback and designing the game the way they want to design it, without listening to the players at all. This is a trend we saw in BFA and Shadowlands, and several content creators have stated that Blizzard's inability to listen to feedback is a huge reason why they have quit playing the game and making content on it. Personally I think the WoW Community Council is a huge PR-stunt, trying to portray an image of "we are listening to you" while continuing to not listen to feedback. I hope I'm wrong.
► Get The Complete TBC Goldmaking Guide 50% off by using code "Solheim" -
This Goldmaking Guide by Studen is incredibly in-depth, already consists of 80+ pages of goldmaking & goldfarming information, and it will keep getting updated aswell! Once you buy the book, you also get the updates for free!
While this video is not specifically covering Season of Mastery, Classic WoW or TBC Classic, Blizzard's ability to listen to feedback or inability to listen to feedback is a topic that is relevant to every aspect of the game, and while the WoW Community Council seems to be more specifically designed for feedback regarding retail, I still think it is important for Classic WoW, Season of Mastery and TBC Classic aswell.
I also saw Asmongold react to the community council drama on twitter yesterday and he reacted to it on his stream aswell where he interviewed the Community Council Member that got banned.
0:00 The WoW Community Council Drama & Disaster
1:05 ExpressVPN - Protect Your Data & Security!
3:32 The WoW Community Council Announcement
5:58 What is the WoW Community Council
7:27 How Are People Chosen for the WoW Community Council
8:28 The WoW Community Council Drama on Twitter
10:10 What is the point of the WoW Community Council
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#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #classictbc
► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for Classic WoW - Season of Mastery here:
So far this guide is 93 Pages long, contains 38 different Goldfarms & 36 items to invest in to Make Gold, and I will keep updating it through Season of Mastery, and after purchasing it you will get the updates for FREE!
Use Code "Solheim" for 50% off!
► Get The Leveling Guide for Season of Mastery, Classic WoW & TBC Classic from RestedXP!
This is a Leveling Guide Built on Quality by Speedrun World Record Holders in Classic WoW & TBC Classic and you can try the Addon FOR FREE Before deciding whether or not to buy it!
Today we are talking about the recent WoW Community Council Drama regarding a WoW Community Council Member called "Prosident", who was the most active WoW Community Council Member, contributing 20% of the total posts on the WoW Community Council Forums. Today I am reacting to the WoW Community Council Drama on Twitter, and I am also giving my own honest opinions on the entire WoW Community Council Project. Will the WoW Community Council project succeed, or is it designed to fail? Personally, I think Blizzard already has access to all the feedback they would ever need, they just choose to outright ignore it, blatantly ignoring feedback and designing the game the way they want to design it, without listening to the players at all. This is a trend we saw in BFA and Shadowlands, and several content creators have stated that Blizzard's inability to listen to feedback is a huge reason why they have quit playing the game and making content on it. Personally I think the WoW Community Council is a huge PR-stunt, trying to portray an image of "we are listening to you" while continuing to not listen to feedback. I hope I'm wrong.
► Get The Complete TBC Goldmaking Guide 50% off by using code "Solheim" -
This Goldmaking Guide by Studen is incredibly in-depth, already consists of 80+ pages of goldmaking & goldfarming information, and it will keep getting updated aswell! Once you buy the book, you also get the updates for free!
While this video is not specifically covering Season of Mastery, Classic WoW or TBC Classic, Blizzard's ability to listen to feedback or inability to listen to feedback is a topic that is relevant to every aspect of the game, and while the WoW Community Council seems to be more specifically designed for feedback regarding retail, I still think it is important for Classic WoW, Season of Mastery and TBC Classic aswell.
I also saw Asmongold react to the community council drama on twitter yesterday and he reacted to it on his stream aswell where he interviewed the Community Council Member that got banned.
0:00 The WoW Community Council Drama & Disaster
1:05 ExpressVPN - Protect Your Data & Security!
3:32 The WoW Community Council Announcement
5:58 What is the WoW Community Council
7:27 How Are People Chosen for the WoW Community Council
8:28 The WoW Community Council Drama on Twitter
10:10 What is the point of the WoW Community Council
Social Media!
► My Twitter:
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#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #classictbc
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