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WE HAPPY FEW Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - PROLOGUE

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We Happy Few Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 includes a Review, Prologue and Mission 1 of the We Happy Few Story Campaign on PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and PC. This Full Game We Happy Few Gameplay Walkthrough will include a Review, Arthur, Sally, Ollie and the Ending of the Single Player Campaign.

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We Happy Few is an indie action-adventure game developed by Compulsion Games and published by Gearbox Publishing for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Taking place within the mid-1960s, following an alternative version of World War II, players take control over one of three characters, each of whom seek to complete a personal task while escaping the fictional city of Wellington Wells - a crumbling dystopia on the verge of societal collapse, due to the overuse of a hallucinogenic drug that keeps its inhabitants blissfully unaware about the truth of their world, while leaving them easily manipulated and lacking morals.

The game features three different playable characters, which affects the prologue of the story. Arthur Hastings, who was available since the game's initial alpha release, works as a censor to remove offending stories in newspaper archives of Wellington Wells. After coming across a story about him and his younger brother, he decides to forgo taking his Joy pill, which causes him to see the state of Wellington Wells for what it truly, and becomes hunted as a "downer". Another character is Sally Boyle, an assistant to one of the doctors that created Joy, and now works as an "experimental chemist" for the General, both which are trying to take back Wellington Wells. Ollie Starkey is the third character, a former soldier that has refused to take Joy for years, revolting against the system, but otherwise tries to stay hidden from the other citizens. Each character has unique skill sets to work their way through the game: Arthur is proficient with melee weapons like a cricket bat, Sally can sneak around and inject guards to put them to sleep, and Ollie is an explosives expert.
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