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4-Star Pose Guide: Florio Nature Park | New Pokemon Snap

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New Pokemon Snap has 212 Pokemon with 4-star poses. Here is Every 4-Star Pose in New Pokemon Snap - Florio Nature Park: Park (Day), Park (Night), and Illumina Spot.

The Pokemon & Requests in This Video are:
0:00 List
1:00 Bouffalant - Head-to-head Competition
1:42 Emolga - Shockingly Well-Done
2:42 Ducklett - Swanna-be
3:04 Magikarp - Flopping by the Water
4:17 Comfey - Don’t Be Scared
4:45 Florges - Livening up the Flowers
5:34 Wurmple & Tailow - What’s up with Wurmple, Off to a Flying Startle
7:00 Grookey, Pichu, Scorbunny, & Shaymin - Hide-and-seek in the flowers, Three Friends among Flowers, One-Hand Freeze, Myth of Nature Park
10:42 Scorbunny (Night)
11:05 Dodrio - Who Needs Wings?
11:13 Tangrowth - Sudden Movement
11:24 Murkrow - Munching Murkrow
11:59 Heracross, Pinser & Sylveon - Where it Snacks and Snoozes, Best Friends
12:53 Torterra - A Terrific Yawn
13:08 Swanna - Art in Flight
13:40 Bidoof - Dam, Sweet Dam
13:59 Caterpie - Where’s That Pokemon?
14:12 Combee & Vespiquen - Dancing with the Queen, For Whose Sake?
15:43 Pidgeot - Hard-Won Happiness
17:04 Hoothoot
18:02 Meganium, Sylveon, & Shaymin

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