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9 Sarcastic Achievements That Made Us Feel Like an Idiot

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The emotions usually associated with achievements are positive ones like pride or satisfaction, but a few games have prepared sarcastic low-value achievements that pop when you screw up, just to rub it in. Consider these snarky achievements and subscribe to Outside Xbox for more videos like this, why not? http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

The Bourne Conspiracy, for example, serves up a measly few gamerscore points and a heaping helping of snark with an achievement for wildly inaccurate shooting called "Need Glasses".

Heisting sim Payday 2 does likewise with an achievement called "F in Chemistry", awarded for bungling a meth cookout and accidentally blowing up the lab.

Secret Service, on the other hand, doesn't even sugar the sarcasm pill with gamerscore. You get precisely 0G for doing "The Exact Opposite of Your Job", which is to say, shooting the man you are employed to protect, which is to say, the US president. Haha oops my bad, Mr Prez. Mr Prez?

Then there's Superman Returns' 0G "Not So Super" achievement for using a crafty cheat code, F.E.A.R.'s "Suicide King" achievement, awarded for accidentally killing yourself a bunch of times, Risen's "Idiot" achievement for falling to your death on multiple occasions, and Portal's "Good Listener" cheevo, awarded for walking gullibly into a particularly obvious trap laid by GlaDOS.

How many of these are tarnishing your achievement record? Let us know in the comments.


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