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A Video About Not Making A Video

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This movie is a bit different than my others. This specific idea has been in my head for the past 4 months, eating away at me. I wanted to figure out how to express what goes on behind the scenes of making one of these in a way that, hopefully, makes sense.

The hardest part of making something is deciding if it actually needs to be made and if you are the one who has to do it. If I can't tell a story well, I'd rather not tell it all. When it comes to creating, the biggest obstacle is always you.

Thanks for watching my creative existential crisis that happens every time I make a movie. I'm sure I'm not unique in feeling this way.


Written, directed, hosted, and edited by Jake Roper

VFX and cinematography by Eric Langlay

Sound Design by Jay Pellizzi


Vsauce1: http://youtube.com/vsauce1
Vsauce2: http://youtube.com/vsauce2
DONG: http://youtube.com/DONG
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