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The AI Poison Pill - We Can DESTROY The Slop Channels

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With a never ending influx of AI content thieves, and slop channels reposting plagiarized content, it looks like YouTubers finally have an easy mechanism of fighting back.

Discovered by a YouTuber called F4mi, caption files can be converted through multiple formats, infecting a video with an indistinguishable payload of gibberish and nonsense which is undetectable to an average viewer, but completely destroys the ability for AI scrapers to correctly summarize or interpret the content.

In effect, if used at scale, this can poison LLMs seeking to train on YouTube videos, and destroy the ability for low level content farmers to use basic AI summary mechanisms for stealing the hard work of real creators. While certainly not a finishing blow, its a way for actual creators to fight back, and make it substantially more difficult to operate an AI slop channel on the platform.

Example videos. One is clean, the other infected with an AI scrambling payload.

Clean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86TaQTWZNYQ
Infected: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqJzaNVqwgI

VPN DEAL: https://get.surfshark.net/aff_c?offer_id=1448&aff_id=19647

F4mi's channel - SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/@f4micom

Special acknowledgment for discovering this technique and for making it known to the community. This is a substantial move, and should be properly recognized.

HappyScribe: https://www.happyscribe.com/
Ebby: https://ebby.co/
Aegisub: https://aegi.vmoe.info/
Github Converter: https://github.com/arcusmaximus/YTSubConverter?tab=readme-ov-file

PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/UEG

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⦁ UPPER ECHELON WEBSITE: https://upperechelon.gg

⦁ DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/Uzfkf8m3nD

⦁ Giraffe Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0uNbM0dADc

⦁ Outtro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k4azpOIAfwMY

BUSINESS EMAIL: upperechelongamers@yahoo.com

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