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The Prices MUST Rise - Gamings Greatest Lie

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Gamings Greatest lie... is the assertion that Triple A titles MUST increase in price as a result of inflation. This is categorically untrue, and can be proven as such by examining even just a small number of the recent industry trends.

Most "Triple A" games have absolutely no ground to stand on with relation to a price rise from 60 to 70 dollars. NBA 2k21 proves this beyond any shadow of a doubt, and I hope that we do not see further publishers following this new trend.

Some gamers say "The price must rise" but the truth is... it already did. We just don't see it as clearly as a literal sticker.

- LOCALS - https://upperechelon.locals.com/post/104865/welcome-to-the-upper-echelon-locals-community


⦁ Axial GT's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC85LPBb0beXDlZuUiLkd0qQ

Huge Thank You. Subscribe to him please!

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⦁ Giraffe Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0uNbM0dADc

⦁ Video Transitions: William Eklof

⦁ Outtro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k4azpOIAfw

MY GAMERTAG: UE Sanctionite
Call of Duty
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