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The Unity Disaster Gets WORSE - IronSource And A New Tech Trend

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As the Unity disaster continues to unfold, new players are coming to light. IronSource, Investment Firms, similar Technology companies and more.

A board of directors relentlessly selling, a subsidiary poised to gain customers, and a business venture that showcases some of the most blatant Games Industry greed possible. With outrage continuing to build, the situation is far form over.

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THE REDDIT POST: https://www.reddit.com/r/unity/comments/16j23ci/i_know_people_dont_want_to_hear_this_you_shouldnt/

⦁ MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/upper-echelon

⦁ UPPER ECHELON WEBSITE: https://upperechelon.gg

⦁ UPPER ECHELON CUSTOM MERCH STORE: https://agentink.gg/collections/ue

⦁ DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/Uzfkf8m3nD

⦁ Giraffe Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0uNbM0dADc

⦁ Outtro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k4azpOIAfwMY

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#Unity #unityfee #ironsource
Call of Duty
Unity game enegine, Unity, Unity engine
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