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Town of Light Gameplay: Let's Play The Town of Light (CREEPY DOLL PLUS CREEPY ASYLUM)

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The Town of Light is a first-person "psychological adventure" set in an Italian asylum in the early 20th Century. Playing as former patient Renee, Mike plus Luke and Ellen from Outside Xtra, head back to the asylum to solve the mysteries of her past. Or, they will, as soon as they stop playing on the equipment in the nearby playground. Subscribe for more on Outside Xbox: http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

Though it doesn’t explicitly bill itself as a horror game, The Town of Light is pretty darn creepy, not least because of the inclusion of a creepy doll that the OX team had to carry around with them. If that thing starts talking, we are out of here.

The Town of Light comes out on Xbox One and PS4 in Spring 2017. The gameplay footage above was taken from the PS4 version of the game supplied by the publisher.


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