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Let's Play Red Dead Redemption: DYNAMITE WOLF HUNT! - Episode 31

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Now we’ve got our family back we should spend some time with them, which means going hunting with Jack, helping run the ranch with Abigail, and pushing Uncle over every time we see him, because we hate him. Isn’t that what family is all about? It is if you’re John Marston, as you’ll see in this Red Dead Redemption gameplay. Subscribe for more on Marston Mondays: http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

On discovering Andy lost his Red Dead Redemption saves, we resolved to reclaim his 100% complete status by replaying his favourite game of the last generation - whetting our appetite for Red Dead Redemption 2, which is coming out in Spring 2018, into the bargain.

To be honest, we're not sure how useful our fatherly input is for young Jack Marston in this episode, as we mostly teach him how to kill wolves with dynamite and snipe elk from half a mile away with a ludicrously overpowered sniper rifle.

Still, the bit where we fail a mission for shooting an innocent bystander should teach him a valuable lesson. Crime doesn’t pay, my son.


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