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This Jungler Gained +300 LP From ONE Coaching Session (And FIXED His MMR) | Jungle Coaching

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???? A complete jungle coaching video where this Viego jungle player gained 300lp after the session! Everything you need to know about climbing to Diamond with jungle. | Season 12 Jungle Coaching Guide League of Legends - coaching signs up below!

????My Season 12 INDEPTH Volibear/Jungle LIVE Companion: https://link.zar.gg/download/VirkayuJungleGuide ???? Gameplay Channel: https://www.youtube.com/virkayugameplay ???? COACHING: Tierlists, coaching signups and VODS, and more with Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/virkayu ???? Discord: https://www.discord.gg/JRCKtQx ???? Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/virkayu ???? Become a member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwE00vEJFzpO6j1rDJMLDfg/join

I am also a voice for Mobalytics!

What would you like to see in the next lesson? Suggest a topic or champion in the comment section below!

Introduction & Context To Coaching: 0:00
First Clear Summaries + Setting Up Your Tempo: 0:55
The Importance Of Pathing with JUNGLING TIMING: 1:53
Noticing XP Spikes / Early Fights: 5:31
Fixing LOW KP/Damage Early: 6:25
CS Tracking In Late Early Game: 7:25
Effect Of CONSERVATIVE Pathing: 8:44
How EVERY Death Can Ruin Your Game: 9:31
Pushing Advantages While Enemy Jg Is Grey: 11:26
ONE GREAT DECISION Can Win Every Game: 13:30
Pulling The Trigger: 14:55
Small Note On Mid Game Farming: 15:50

Editors: Virkayu and @S04Dawi
Thumbnail: Dawi Twitter: @S04Dawi

???? Donate: https://streamlabs.com/virkayu
???? I’m part of the official League of Legends Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here: https://partners.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/


Intro Music: Ornn Theme

Background music:

Assorted tracks from epidemicsound.com


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League of Legends
Virkayu, league of legends coaching, virkayu coaching
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