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Show of the Week: Mass Effect Andromeda and 10 Twins Not Qualified to Be Pathfinder

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In Mass Effect Andromeda, you play as one of the Ryder twins, who travels to the distant Andromeda galaxy to find a new home for humanity. But being the Pathfinder is a demanding gig, and Show of the Week has bad news for these other videogame twins who fail to meet the job requirements. Subscribe for Show of the Week every Friday, why not: http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

Take Billy and Jimmy Lee of Double Dragon fame, for instance, who will take orders from any old stranger they bump into. We can't have these people plotting the course for the whole human race.

Genetically engineered twins Solid and Liquid Snake, on the other hand, can't quit their bickering, while minimally dressed clones Mileena and Kitana would flash-freeze in the absolute zero of outer space.

Here's hoping your chosen Ryder twin fares better when Mass Effect Andromeda comes out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on release date 21 March (US) and 23 March (Europe).


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