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Show of the Week: Far Cry Primal and 5 Unexpected Things In It

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We follow Far Cry Primal back in time to 10,000 BC, when getting only half your face mauled off by a sabre-toothed tiger counted as a Good Day. And yet Far Cry Primal may not be exactly what you expected from a prehistoric setting, as we find in Show of the Week. Subscribe for a new episode every Friday: http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

"How will I be able to scout outposts in Far Cry Primal, when binoculars weren't invented" we asked, when we first considered the paleolithic period in which Far Cry Primal takes place.

None of us guessed the answer would be "you warg into an owl", and yet here we are, with caveman protagonist Takkar able to possess owls and use them to scout ahead, mark enemies and divebomb baddies like a hooty, feathery drone.

After Far Cry 4 and its rideable elephants, on the other hand, you might expect to ride the mammoths in Far Cry Primal. What we hadn't predicted was the ability to ride the terrifying monster animals as well, such as bears and sabre-toothed cats.

I'm no beastmaster but it seems to me sitting on top of an angry heap of undomesticated teeth and claws is a bad idea. Fun though.

Far Cry Primal is out now on Xbox One and PS4. The video above contains Far Cry Primal gameplay from both versions.


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